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Passionate About Serving Others

I’ve always known I was an organized person; I loved to organize, balance finances, and make lists long before it was a work task. For me, it was simply a way of thinking, of making some sense of a somewhat hectic world. Later, it seemed to help in each job I had, coupling those organizational and detailed thinking skills with the ability to help others accomplish their goals. Through each job along my journey I’ve gained knowledge and enhanced my ability to sort order.


This has led me to the creation of SEVA. A Buddhist word meaning “working towards the service and benefit of others”.  That is what SEVA offers, to serve you in meeting your goals, utilizing these skills. Quite simply, to make your work life easier!


My name is Heather Ellison. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Masters in Management with an emphasis on Human Resources. For the last 18 years I have been involved in a variety of management/leadership positions, utilizing my skills from policy research and development to the more complex financial tasks of budget projection, client invoicing, and managing expenses to name a few. My goal in creating SEVA is to work with individuals and small businesses, managing their day to day operations allowing them to focus on what they do best, running their business.




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